SAFETY RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE: Please read our new policies before you visit. More details

Welwyn Garden City Adventist Community Church
OUR Mission
Our mission is to be a living witness of God's love to the community in which everyone is welcomed, valued and nurtured.
OUR Vision
Our vision is to see personal growth, Church growth and involvement in the community.
We aim to grow on a personal level by strengthening our personal relationship with God through the study of His Word and by developing our individual gifts and talents.
We aim to grow as a Church by nurturing and equipping our members for service, inspiring them through creative worship and empowering them to share their faith with others.
We aim to grow as part of our community by adopting an inclusive approach in responding to local needs, becoming involved in local issues and developing local awareness of the contribution we make.
OUR Values
God’s love is interwoven into the fabric of our lives and is revealed through His word expressed through His promises to us, and shared with His children.
God’s Word - Our textbook for living is the Bible. It provides us with the principles we aspire to live by and reveals God’s character and love.
God’s Promises - God is faithful and keeps His promises to us which in turn strengthens our faith and belief in Him.
God’s Children - We consider every individual to be a child of God so we welcome and encourage their presence, creativity and expressions of worship.

We think it’s great that you want to find out more about our church. The information in this section is dedicated to filling you in on what we do, and how you can learn more about our church community. If you’re wondering what to expect during our Sabbath (Saturday) service, the 10am programme, the information below will help you plan your trip when you choose to visit us.
We come together for the first worship service at 10:00am every Saturday and we call this the Divine Service or Sabbath worship service. This lasts for about 90min
We have a short break and then at 12 mid day we have a Bible Study time, or Sabbath School, for about one hour.
The main focus of our time together is to learn more about our God. Around 10-15 people attend each Sabbath, and we span a diverse range of ages and backgrounds. This part of the programme involves us all in singing, prayer, Bible study and reflections, and story telling.
In the second programme, or Sabbath school, we study the Bible together. We discuss and share our learning on an agreed Bible passage. We find that learning together, from the Bible and from each other, makes it relevant for daily life.
Our services include people of all ages; children, youth and young adults. Every programme has an intergenerational story, a story that is appropriate for all ages.
About once per month in the second programme, or Sabbath School, the adults teach the children. A programme is prepared that makes it possible for everyone present to take part in an interactive time of shared learning. It often includes stories for all ages, props, singing, crafts, and, more often than not, a lot of laughter.
It has been our practice for many years to regularly share a lunch. This has recently changed for us, and has not yet been re-established as a regular event. Please keep an eye on this page for more information, or contact us through the 'Contact us' page.
We believe that coming to our church community with a willing mind and a sincere heart to learn about God is more important than what you wear. Come just as you are. We look forward to seeing you, not what you’re wearing.
Many members choose to dress smartly (ranging from smart casual to business suits) to distinguish the Sabbath worship from the rest of the week, but this is not a requirement and everyone is free to choose how to attend.
We would love to see you again so please do come back. You can find out about upcoming events and activities, or join us for our regular Sabbath programme. There are also plenty of opportunities to get involved in the work of our church by joining a team. Most importantly, keep reading your Bible so you can learn more about who God is and why He sent His Son to die for our sins. Check out the free resources available that’ll help you get started. And talk to God whenever you can. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, so invite Him into your life.